How to Easily Unbrick your OnePlus 2 due to H20S Hardbrick



Hello everybody today i will show you how to UNBRICK YOUR ONEPLUS TWO id you got stuck in boot image/splash screen after flashng ot using or anything related to after effects of flashing H2os. So this is my story

First I flashed volte modem from h2Os  on my device running xos7 the sim  broken then I flashed old modem from bens the phone stuck on boot image can’t go to recovery nothing only fastboot then I flashed stock recovery after that tried to side load OOS got stuck in boot image after that flashed a zip oostoh2 one is there with that I successfully boootef  then I realised that imei gone BT gone WiFi gone sim gone everything including baseband then I flashed h2os."

So step by step procedure to do this is :

  1. Download twrp old one 3.0 version :


  2. Go to fastboot mode and type fastboot devices to check connection

  3. Rename downloaded recovery imag to recovery.img (Optional)

  4. Flash the newly downloaded recovery

    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

  5. TWRP is now sucessfully isntalled, and from recovery flash new hybrid recovery.

    Hybrid Recovery

  6. Now you will be in HYBRID RECOVERY .

  7. Flash latest twrp from Hybrid Recovery by changing to image

    TWRP Latest

  8. Now if all done correctly you be in lastest TWRP and now flash  OOS  via twrp

    Download link for OOS3.1:

  9. Wait till it boots and complete the initial setup and  if your stuck in typing name screen in setup repeat step 5 to 7 else go forward and complete the setup

  10. Now mostly baseband will show IMEI ,Sim ,WiFi Bluetooth will be vanished, we can fix it, go ahead.

  11. Now download H2OS from below Google Drive: #1

    MEGA: : #2

    BasketBuild:: #3

    Official Link: #4

  12. Now try to boot your device, IF you successfully booted your device, please complete setup. As ofnow, there will be Chinese bloatware apps and no super SU.

  13. Now flash this via twrp this zip will debloat the ROM as well as give you root

Debloater + SU: AndroidFileHost

  1. Download Google_Installer APK  for installing Google play services and playstore Note that: DO_NOT FLASH GApps, it will break your device GOOGLE_PLAY_INSTALLER

  2. Now do a full twrp backup including EFS Partition for safety.

  3. This is a important step to  save modem of your device

    1. Download terminal from play store, open and give it root rights by executing $ su

    2. Give these two commands, one after the other:

      $ dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 of=/sdcard/.  modemst1.bin bs=512

      $ dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 of=/sdcard/modemst2.bin bs=512

    This will backup modemst1 and modemst to your internal Storage. Keep them safe and if you need to restore them, flash them via fastboot.

    $ fastboot flash modemst1 modemst1.bin

    $ fastboot flash modemst2 modemst2.bin

  4. Now flash any custom rom[ Android N ]  you want but dont revert to oos till VoLTE enabled ROM releases, because it breaks your Device'

  5. If you want really want to go to OOS and you DO_NOTE have EFS and Model bckup, In that case please refer to website, it is in chineese.

( PS: I have not tested it personally and I am not responsible for any shit if happens , this doesn’t mean it will shit ).

Original Post wrriten in Wordpress on November 29 2016